
Meet Your Coach...

Dr. Mariah Emond

I have been a therapist since 2005, working in the healthcare industry and educational arena promoting wellness. I have an undergrad degree in Occupational Therapy from Colorado State University. I have a Master's in Counseling Psychology from Alaska Pacific University. I finalized my scholarly career with a Doctorate in Health Administration from University of Phoenix.  

I find women that yearn for a better life and a want more for their life than the average merry-go-round of responsibilities.

As a mental health therapist for almost 20 years I noticed that women were coming to me with unexpected health issues that caused a significant amount of stress. Through reading the research about women's health, it occurred to me that we have a huge population of women that don't know what perimenopause is or what to expect as their bodies get into midlife. Now is the time to use effective coping skills, have more support, and get the right information to live healthy lives!

I offer women's health education. Shine your light with me as we grow and thrive in our beautiful unique selves!

Perimenopause health education is needed now more than ever. Join us in getting a life of peace, ease, and fulfillment.

Let's transform your life into the ONE you WANT!