Mariah here- pumping up my new health coaching series- Saving Your Midlife Sanity! I have a new platform that will host all the upcoming FUN! 

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Why we don't know we’re in perimenopause!  I'm in perimenopause?!?!

#1 No one told you about this nebulous phase in midlife. And yes, if you are around/about 40 years old you have reached midlife (aka half of the average lifespan- 76 years).

#2 Most women don't actually talk about perimenopause itself. They might talk about health changes, maybe anxiety or depression (if we're lucky) but we don't really talk about what's going on in our bodies.  It's not time yet to be in menopause… but what's really going on is a subtle change that is happening in our bodies that we need to talk about!!

We need education around our physical and mental health changes and that we need to be aware of what are all the perimenopause symptoms. It's clear, the science is coming in that we are having more episodes of not feeling well. We report that we aren’t feeling happy. We have more incidences of feeling anxious or depressed, and reporting more chronic illnesses. We have other things that might be somewhat unexplained including weight gain, sluggishness, brain fog, thinning hair, body odor, joint pain to name a few.

 So, what do we do to become aware if we might be in perimenopause?

We think about our actual age(!) and if that is between 35 to 55, then the chances of being in perimenopause are relatively high. Perimenopause is a 7-10 year transition BEFORE menopause actually starts. Now is when we should be thinking about how to take better care of ourselves because our actual endocrine system (where our hormones come from) has been changing slightly but enough to create an imbalance.

Now for the good part- what can you do?

Take a moment to think about the quality of your life, any symptoms you've been facing, anything new that's been happening in your life and your levels of stress in comparison to the enjoyment you feel in your life. Write it down if you have a list!

Get a health appointment to discuss with your health care provider what might be happening with your hormones and get a course of treatment if necessary to address any hormonal changes. There are many ways to address your health through a variety of health practices, including naturopathic, ayurvedic, and functional health doctors.

Working with a counselor or coach can help you create a mindset that is open to the changes that your body has had, is having, and will eventually have. We can't wait any longer for menopause to be upon us and then decide to deal with all the repercussions that that change brings in our life at that time. This is our time to be proactive.

It's our time to take better care of ourselves- knowing that our life spans have increased twofold just since the turn of the century. Mental health is a skill-based set of practices that you do for your own benefit, and they change throughout our lifetime.  It is the basis for all good health to blossom from so don’t neglect your thoughts!

Lastly, we need some sister groups, friends and family groups to start talking about the changes that are happening to our mind, body and spirit and create the support that comes from being social. This is a significant time in our lives that is governed by the hormone oxytocin. Should we not utilize the social support- than we're missing out on the very best benefit that oxytocin has to give us- a feeling of comfort, stability and most of all, belonging within these groups by accessing the social support that helps oxytocin do its job. Find your tribe and meet regularly!

Women are half the population, and we deserve appropriate and adequate health care. Find a healthcare provider that can listen to your health needs and work with you. Start reading and listening to podcasts and providers that are supporting your healthcare priorities.




Books to read- The New Meno Pause- Dr Mary Claire Haver. (Not that we are there yet, but its the newest research about hormones!)

Me, Myself, and I: Women's Health Planner- Of course I created my own resources just for you!  Use this guide to get ready and keep on track to understand your health challenges




 New series on 'Saving Your Midlife Sanity'...  Get out of burn out/ checked out/ stress out!!


Want a life filled of peace, ease, contentment, comfort, peace, joy (fill in your blank__________) ?

Join me for a 6 week, power-packed, pre-planned GET YOUR LIFE back on track, without the guess work or headaches!

Interested? Let's chat! You can schedule with me here... 





Mariah Emond
Great Experiences Consulting