Holiday Stress Management

Stressed over the upcoming Holidays? 

Too much to do and never enough time?

Are you up too late, dragging through the day and barely able to plaster a smile on your face?

When did you last ENJOY the holidays?

Yep, it can happen to us all... wanting the season to be be fun for the kids, fulfilling for the family, and holiday to remember... 

and nearly taking our heart and soul out of us to accomplish the feat!


So join the group program- 6 mini sessions that are a 20 minute video on the skills you need to THRIVE through the seasons..

(and they work year round after you have them!)  You can watch one each week!

Weekly group coaching call- join others in the tips and tricks to make your holiday season Joyous and stress-less!

And the final bonus- a 1-on-1 chat with me to direct and guide your holiday planning mental health to success! This is a bonus 30 minute private call with just you! 

What's not to LOVE about taking care of yourself during the holiday season!


Sneak Peak-

Week 1- Planning with Realistic expectations

Week 2- Uncovering your JOY

Week 3- Balancing the Have-tos

Week 4- Serious Stress Release

Week 5- Knowing the limit

Week 6- Loving the You, sharing with others 

Bonus- Personalized call with Mariah

Weekly Group Chats- via Zoom, Tuesdays 7pm 


Tell me the details!

6 week session on Saving Your Holiday (mental) Health